Monday, June 27, 2011

Freedom Of Information

  I have used this blog to communicate the facts about the Hollie Greig case, which continues to be ignored by the mainstream media. I have been greatly encouraged by the numerous supportive comments posted in the blog, but I would like to make it clear that I am perfectly willing to engage in constructive debate with anyone who may doubt the veracity of these facts or who interprets them in such a way which does not indicate a major scandal.

 However to date there have been no "dissenting voices" who have posted comments and it seems that the only tactic available to those opposed to justice for Hollie is to stick their heads in the sand and refuse to answer any questions.

 Thanks largely to the persistence of one individual we have succeeded in using the Freedom of Information Act to cause great embarassment and discomfort to people in positions of authority.

 The First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, simply ignored awkward questions posed to him and now the Information Commissioner has set a deadline of July 11th for him to respond.

 Similar pressure has been placed on the Crown Office, who refuse to say whether or not the taxpayer funded lawyer's letters to the media sent by Elish Angiolini asking them not to cover the case, and Shropshire Council, who are being extremely evasive about their role in the disgraceful raid on Anne and Hollie's home.

 The current impasse closely resembles that involving the anti-hero Chichikov in Gogol's "Dead Souls". Chichikov was a con-man whose frauds became so widespread that he could not be found guilty without implicating some of the most powerful people in the realm. 

1 comment:

  1. The behaviour of theses official should be for the Police. However, this carry on shows quite clearly those named can work outside the law and are protected by it. Someone high up has clearly given the ORDER not do anything.
